From "8½" to "Day for Night" to "Dolemite Is My Signature," movie history is full of filmmaking. The latest addition to this self-referential genre is Tsutomu Mizushima's "Shirobako the Film," an anime about the blood, sweat and beers that brought an animated film on screen. It is the sequel to the television series "Shirobako," which aired from 2014 to 2015 and focused around Aoi Miyamori (voiced by Juri Kimura), a newly minted production assistant at the fictional Musashino Animation who, along with the viewer, discovers the ins and outs of how anime is produced from scratch to screen — and all the speed bumps that pop up along the way. Since canceling an in-progress sequence, the film opens four years later, with the great Musashino Animation a shadow of its former self. With the studio floundering, one of its executives comes to Miyamori with a bold plan: make an original theatrical film to be completed in less than a yea...
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